General Resources

The below list of general resources may be used by anyone, including MAWB members, local area staff, and committee members. This list may be updated by request.

WIOA Resources for ABE

The following information is geared towards ABE staff to help them better understand how adult learners can benefit from co-enrollment in a WIOA workforce program. Webinar recordings include a brief overview of each program’s eligibility, services, and benefits.

WIOA Adult Program

WIOA DW Program

WIOA Young Adult/Youth Program


ABE Briefs on Adult Career Pathways, Integrated Education and Training, and Workplace Literacy 


Minneapolis Employment and Training Grant Financial Training Webinar

Disclaimer: This presentation was intended solely to provide general information to the City of Minneapolis Employment and Training Providers. Subrecipients should always consult with their grantor agencies, federal regulations, and specific grant terms and conditions in the administration and financial management of their grants.